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Solar Window Screens -> Multi-Family Solar Window Screens
Cover your multi family apartment windows with my solar screens.

Clean up your Multi-Family 

property with my
Solar Window Screens.

Tenants LOVE my Solar Screens!

My Solar Screens for Windows will create UNIFORMITY and will HIDE the tenant's interior belongings. 

My solar screens for apartments will make your tenants happy.  The solar screens shade the windows to significantly help keep the units MUCH cooler, thus relieve some stress on the A/C units.  Tenants love the privacy aspect.  They love that during the day other tenants can not easily see into their units when their blinds are open.  Tenants love the shading factor, which keeps their unit cooler.  Property managers love the solar screens because they just look so good.  The solar screens create a uniform look, they take away the site of bent blinds, stickers on the glass and all of those unsightly tenant belongings.  When the apartment property sales team shows the property it looks its best with all the windows covered.  The solar screens will unquestionably tie the property together with a clean, fresh and uniform look.  

VIDEO: Solar Screen Benefits for Apartments

↓ Watch this video to better understand how  my Solar Screens can be a benefit for your multifamily property ↓

  • Solar Screens for Windows will shade your apartment building's windows keeping them and the units MUCH cooler.
  • MultiFamily solar screen installations dress the property up Considerably.  Creates a clean uniform appearance.
  • Tenants love my solar window screens.  The units stay MUCH cooler and gain a much-welcomed level of privacy.
  • You can't see into the units, so the tenant's belongings are hidden and concealed from being seen by prospective renters when the property is being shown.

Call to get Estimated cost options for your Multi-Family Property 

Call Josh Hobbs at 512-351-5762
for INSTALLED Apartment  & MultiFamily  
Solar Screen 



Simply give me a call and I'll put your Multi-family property on one of my routes

to swing by to measure and count the windows.

Once I have measured I'll then email you over a cost.  If the apartment complex is in Austin TX, I'll see if it qualifies for a multi-family Austin Energy Rebate, and if so, that estimated rebate amount will be reflected within the pricing I send over.   I by default will provide you 80% and 90% sun shade (density) fabric options.  This way, you can see the cost difference between the two fabrics.  The 90% sun control fabric gives you considerably better concealment coverage than the 80% solar shade fabric, but it comes at a slightly higher cost.  See the two fabrics compared here showing some 80% solar window screen apartment installation examples and some 90% solar window screen apartment installation examples


Also on the estimate, I will break down the frame cost options, to use the 3/4" flimsier framing like everyone else does, or use the heavy-duty 1" framed solar screen frame.  You'll see all that as pricing options on the estimate to see the cost differences.  If you want the swing doors for apartments and sliding doors priced out as well, I can show that as pricing options as well.  I can also really dress the solar screens up by using grid patterns on them.  This adds about a 30% increase in cost, but I can show that as a pricing option as well.  

Question : What parts of Texas do you offer your multi family apartment solar screen installation services for?

& Answer :  Not for residential, but for multi family apartment solar window screen installations, I service our home base of Austin Texas and travel to Waco TX, San Marcos Texas, New Braunsfels TX, San Antonio Texas and Houston.

Question : Our multifamily apartment complex is within the city limits of Austin TX, can I get an Austin Energy Rebate?   And how much of a $$ Rebate should I expect to see / get?

& Answer :  Yes, we can for sure look into getting you an Austin Energy rebate.  There are quite a few things that have to align to make that happen, like the property has to be ECAD Compliant and the property CAN NOT be on the City of Austin's repeat offenders list of violations.  We can verify all this for you.  Windows that qualify for the rebates have to fit many of the cities parameters like they can not be under a 6'+ overhang. They have to face a certain direction. They can't be too close to another building. Lots of variables, all of which we will work out. When I see the property to work up pricing for it, I'll assess all this and give you an estimation as to what to expect back from Austin Energy in form of a rebate. The rebate actually goes to us, so when we bill you it will show that rebate as a deduction.  To get an idea of amounts, on a $40,000 install, the rebate could be as high as $20,000, so that entire job would only cost you $20,000.  The rebates also take a while to process, we are dealing with the city after all, and they never make anything easy and expedient.  You can expect about 30-45 days extra to add on to the project time just because of involving the city.  With all that said, the rebates could be sizeable and well worth it.  

Cities in Texas I install my apartment solar screens
Multifamily Rebate from Austin Energy

I offer six solar screen Fabric and five solar screen Frame Color choices for you to choose from. You can create whatever look you want using any combination of these colors. Each of the six solar screen Fabric colors are available in both the 80% and 90% densities.

Would you like a FREE Sample Kit ?    
I am a Multi-Family installer of Solar Screens for Windows.  If your apartment complex or Town Home property is located within the metroplexes of Austin TX, Waco TX, San Marcos Texas, New Braunsfels Texas, or San Antonio TX you are within my multifamily installation service area.  Fill out this form and I'll send you a sample kit. 

If your apartment community is outside of my multi-family installation area, fill out this form and I'll still send you a sample kit.  I ship my screens and will work with you through a remote process to ensure a good fit.   


This is not for single-family properties, only for multi-family apartment properties of 250 windows or more. 

Sample Kit and Color options . . .

Color Options
Free Sample Kit
Fabric and Frame Multi Family and Apartment  samples for Austin TX solar window screens
Multi Family Solar Screens Austin TX.gif

Color: Black 80%

Manufacturer:  Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA

Product: Textilene

Availability: 80% and 90%

Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt

Longevity: 20+ Years

Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer

Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands

Pet Resistant: Very Well

Popularity:  25%

Black solar screen fabric.jpg

BLACK 80% Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples

80% Fabric Examples
90% Fabric Examples
Black solar screen fabric.jpg

Color: Black 90%

Manufacturer:  Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA

Product: Textilene

Availability: 80% and 90%

Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt

Longevity: 20+ Years

Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer

Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands

Pet Resistant: Very Well

Popularity:  70%

BLACK 90% Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples

Color: Mocha 90%

Manufacturer:  Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA

Product: Textilene

Availability: 80% and 90%

Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt

Longevity: 20+ Years

Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer

Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands

Pet Resistant: Very Well

Popularity:  <5%

Mocha solar screen fabric.jpg

MOCHA 90% Fabric Solar Window Screens w/ Grid Patterns Installation Examples

Grid Pattern Examples

Question : I want to dress up the solar screens, -can I get grid patterns on my solar screens?  

& Answer :  Yes, simply let us know and we will give you that as pricing.  It's about 30% more in cost roughly.  Look through the pictures to see what the grid patterns look like on multi family properties.

Question : What parts of Texas do you offer your multi family apartment solar screen installation services for?

& Answer :  Not for residential, but for multi family apartment solar window screen installations, I service our home base of Austin Texas and travel to Waco TX, San Marcos Texas, New Braunsfels TX, San Antonio Texas and Houston.

Question :  What is better, the 80% or 90% fabric?  What density do you recommend we use?  

& Answer :  The 90% gives you the BEST concealment.  The 90% covers the windows the best to not be able to see through.  See 90% apartment solar screen examples hereAnd 80% multi-family solar screen examples here.  Experience has taught me that you want the darkest solar fabric to conceal the windows the most.  The 80% fabric is great, but it does not totally hide the interior's belongings.  The 90% fabric very much does conceal the windows the best.  I strongly recommend the 90% sun shade fabric.

Question : Why would I want the solar screens for apartments?  What are the benefits for getting multi-family solar window screens?  Why would my multi-family apartment property benefit from the solar screens for windows?

& Answer :  1) The solar screens will drastically transform the look of the property. 2) The property's appearance will flow much better. 3) With a fresh paint job and solar screens, the multi-family property will look clean and uniform. 4) Overall, the property will have a cohesive appearance. 5) The sales team loves the solar screens because they conceal the tenants' windows, effectively hiding the mess inside each unit. 6) Additionally, the solar screens create a consistent look across the property, allowing it to show much better and enhancing its overall cleanliness and uniformity.

Question : Should we get spares?  Should we get spare solar screens?

& Answer :  Absolutely and I will council with you about this.  Tenants WILL damage the screens, you CAN count on that. You will want spares to know what to charge the tenants when they damage them and also to have as readily available replacements.  

Question : Can we EASILY source spare screens from you in the future?  

& Answer :  Yes, we create an account for you within our screen order system which will have every size we used on your property.  This easily will allow you to order at any point replacement screens.  2 years from now, or 10 years from now, your screen measurements will be recorded within our replacement screen website to easily order replacements.  We try to make this all simple !!!

Question : Should I put the solar screens on all of the windows of our multi-family property?

& Answer :  This is a matter of personal preference. You will definitely want to install solar screens on the visibly exposed windows. I can provide you with a pricing breakdown for all your options so you can decide what works best for you. In past projects, I have left off the hidden back windows, as well as the windows within the walkways. We can customize the project to suit your needs, focusing on what you think will look best and what fits within your budget.

Question : Can you ship your solar window screens?  We have an apartment complex out of state that we would like the solar screens for, can you ship them to us?  How do we measure for the solar screens?  How do we make sure we would be getting screens that will fit our apartment complexes windows? 

& Answer :  Yes, I definitely ship solar screens for apartment buildings. I have a well-organized system for this process. I will work closely with your staff to take accurate measurements and ensure we have the correct quantities. Your staff can either install the screens themselves, or you can have your painters or landscapers handle the installation.  Please contact me, and I will explain my shipping process, detail how I send the screens to you, and ensure that they will fit perfectly, so there are no issues upon arrival. I also ship large quantities of insect bug screens for windows and sliding door screens for sliding glass doors to multifamily complexes.

Question : Can a Solar Screen be installed on an apartment swing door?  How about sliding doors for our apartment complex? 

& Answer :  Yes, when we are screening the windows for the entire apartment complex, we can also make and install solar screens for your swing doors and the sliding glass doors.  I can make and install just sliding bug screens doors or sliding door solar screen doors along with a pocket to slide the door behind, shown as C below.  This sliding solar screen door system provides shade coverage for the entire sliding door.  See the following pictures.  

solar screens for a single swing
solar window screens for a double swing

Question : Our multifamily apartment complex is within the city limits of Austin TX, can I get an Austin Energy Rebate?   How much of a $ Rebate $ should I expect to see / get?

& Answer :  Yes, we can for sure get you an Austin Energy rebate.  There are quite a few things that have to align to make that happen, like the property has to be ECAD Compliant and the property CAN NOT be on the City of Austin's repeat offenders list of violations.  We can verify all this for you.  Windows that qualify for the rebates have to fit many of the cities parameters like they can not be under a 6' or larger overhang.  They have to face a certain direction.   They can not be too close to another building.  Lots of variables, all of which we will work out.  When I see the property to work up pricing for it, I'll assess all this and give you an estimation as to what to expect back from Austin Energy in form of a rebate.  The rebate actually goes to us, so when we bill you it will show that rebate as a deduction.  To get an idea of amounts, on a $40,000 install, the rebate could be as high as $20,000, so that entire job would only cost you $20,000.  The rebates also take a while to process, we are dealing with the city after all, and they never make anything smooth, quick or easy.  You can expect about 45-60 days extra to add on to the project time just because of involving the city.  With all that said, the rebates could be sizeable and well worth it.  

Question : Do you use mitered (45 angle) cut corners or do you use plastic square cut corners?  

& Answer :  I build all of my screens with mitered corners. Failing to do so exposes the plastic corners, which can become brittle and break over time due to the harsh Texas sun. In my opinion, using exposed plastic corners is irresponsible. While they may be a cheap and easy option upfront—making them popular among many assemblers—it ultimately cuts corners, something I refuse to do. I prioritize quality and will not compromise on my standards.

Question : What size and thickness of framing do you use to make your apartment solar screens out of?  Does the 1" wide heavy duty framing really make a big difference?  
& Answer :  I strongly advocate for using heavy-duty 1-inch framing for building solar screens instead of the 3/4-inch framing. However, I understand that the cost of 3/4-inch framing can accumulate significantly when purchased in large quantities. For screens that measure 35 inches by 70 inches or smaller, it's perfectly acceptable to use the 3/4-inch framing when budget is a major concern. For larger screen assemblies, we definitely recommend using the 1-inch framing for added durability. When I send you the proposal, I will include pricing for both options so you can compare them. Ultimately, the choice will be yours.


Question :  To help keep the sun screens in place, do you additionally secure your solar shade screens?   Tenants will mess with the solar screens, what can you do to help secure the solar window screens? 

& Answer :  I always secure the solar window screens using either casement clips or self-tapping screws to ensure they stay in place and cannot be easily removed by tenants. I often notice that many multi-family installations have missing screens because tenants have taken them down, which doesn't look good. In my experience inspecting work done by other installers, I've found that many do not take the extra step to secure the screens properly; they simply slide them in and walk away. That is not how I operate. I take extra precautions to ensure that my solar screens are securely attached to the windows of your apartment complexes. This way, they can withstand strong winds and are less likely to be dislodged by tenants. 

Grid pattern solar screens for multi family apartments
Installation Service Area
80% vs 90% solar screens for apartment installs

For Q&A's about "all things Solar Window Screens"

Visit my Solar Window Screen Q&A page

solar screen benefits
Replacement screens for multi family apartments
spare screens for apartment installs
Solar screens for all windows
Shipping Options
Solar Screens for Doors
Austin Energy Multifamily Rebate
How my solar screens are made
frame size for apartment solar window screens
Securing the Solar Screens
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